Successful completion of cast-in-place pile foundation construction for S4F (housing) project of Canapuri River Tunnel in Bangladesh
Source: | Author:zhonghailian | Published time: 2021-05-26 | 666 Views | Share:

Successful completion of cast-in-place pile foundation construction for S4F (housing) project of Canapuri River Tunnel in Bangladesh

      On May 25, 2021, at 18:30, with the completion of the last bucket of concrete, the pile foundation construction of the S4F (Housing) Project of the Canapuri River Subchannel Tunnel in Bangladesh, constructed by Anhui Province, was successfully completed.

Pile foundation construction completed smoothly

       Bangladesh's Kanapuri River Subchannel Tunnel Project is a key project for cooperation between China and Bangladesh along the way as well as a national key project for Bangladesh.The section S4F (housing construction) project consists of East Bank toll station and West Bank overpass station.East bank toll stations include comprehensive buildings, dormitory buildings, maintenance complex buildings, canteens, equipment rooms, maintenance warehouses, monitoring rooms, unloading shelters, toll-collecting shelters, inspection shelters and ancillary outdoor works.The West Bank Governance Overpass Station includes monitoring building, unloading shed, equipment room, toilet, dormitory building (including restaurant), inspection shed and auxiliary outdoor works.The total building area is 9479.94m2, including 7983.99m2 for toll station on the east bank and 1495.95m2 for overpass station on the West bank. After the completion of the project, the traffic problems on both sides of the Bay of Bengal in Jidagang City will be greatly solved and it will become a landmark building in Jidagang City.

Opening Ceremony

      With the strong support of the company leadership, the project started smoothly on January 21, 2021 in the face of a series of problems such as the breakdown of flights caused by the new crown epidemic.Facing the difficulties, all the staff of the Project Department united as one to overcome the difficulties. After 114 days and nights, the project quantity of 7000 square concrete and 400 tons of steel bars was completed, and the construction of cast-in-place pile foundation was completed one week ahead of schedule, which received unanimous praise from the owners and all parties. At the same time, the first achievement was achieved in the first quarter of the General Project Department assessment.

      The successful completion of the cast-in-place pile foundation construction greatly inspires the morale and confidence of all staff in the project and implements the guidelines of "starting with both climax and starting with impulse" of the general contracting unit.Successful completion of pile foundation construction is not only a phased success, but also a new starting point for subsequent procedures. In the future work, the project department will continue to complete the housing project of the Canapuri River Tunnel in Bangladesh safely and smoothly with high quality, high level and stringent requirements, and strive to build this project as a benchmark of housing project in Bangladesh.